2025 Ohio NARCO Benefit Golf Outing

Royal American Links logo
  SEPTEMBER 15, 2025

To be determined
Event Details

  • FORMAT: 4 MAN Best Ball Scramble
  • TIMES: 8:00 am Registration / 9:00 am Shotgun Start
  • COST: $100 per golfer/$400 per Team
       - includes practice range balls, 18 holes of golf, a cart, and a banquet dinner.
  • PRIZES: Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams. Prizes for Longest Drive, Longest Putt and Closest to the Pin. Every player will receive a door prize. There will be an optional “Skins Game” & Mulligans available for an additional $20.00 per Team, to be paid in cash at the Golf Outing Registration Desk.
  • DINNER: "Taste of the South" meal and awards. If you would like to just have dinner contact Stephanie ($20/person - email below)
  • HOLE SPONSORS: Sponsors are $100.00 per Hole and we are always looking for individuals/corporations to sponsor holes.
  • EVENT CONTACT: If you have additional questions or wish to sponsor a hole, please contact: Stephanie Hanner – District Director
    (216) 372-8964 or email sphanner@dps.ohio.gov
  • Registration Deadline is
    September 10, 2025
Golf Sponsorship Opportunities

There are several ways in which you or your company can become involved:

  • PREMIER SPONSOR: which entitles you to three four-person groups to participate in the scramble, a hole sign, and your name or your company's name will be listed in print materials. This sponsorship will require a $5,000 donation.
  • GOLD SPONSOR: which entitles you to two, four-person groups to participate in the scramble, a hole sign, and your name or your company's name will be listed in print materials. This sponsorship will require a $2,500 donation.
  • SILVER SPONSOR: which entitles you to one, four-person group to participate in the scramble, and your name or your company's name will be listed in print materials. This sponsorship will require a $1,000 donation.
  • BEVERAGE SPONSOR: which entitles you to your name or your company's name on the beverage cart. This sponsorship will require a $500 donation.
  • HOLE SPONSOR: which places your name or your company's name on a given hole. This sponsorship will require a $100 donation
  • You can give a DONATION to be used for door prizes.